Sunday, April 22, 2007

Scott's Turns Six

Scott turns six - count those fingers!

Here's a close-up of the bug and dirt cake that Tara made for Scott.

At Scott's party, they played several outdoor games like Centipede Race (shown above), Egg Carry Relay and Blindman's Bluff.

Then, every kid got to hit the pinata. Scott loved his soccer ball pinata since he started his first season of soccer last week (Tyler started his fourth season). Both are enjoying.

Next, the kids tried to fly balloons the farthest to see whose present Scott would open first, second, etc. The gifts were generous and fun. You can barely see Tyler and his friend playing Xbox in the background. :-)

Finally, we had cake and ice cream outside before his friends' parents came to take them home.

Just a cute picture of Zack and Tara. Had to share.

Tessa was enjoying birthdays so much that Tara offered to have a little birthday party for Tessa's baby sheep. You'll see the cupcake and wrapped gift for her stuffed toy. How cute!

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